Linguistics Conferences
Linguistics Conferences
Contents of this page
General (theoretical) linguistics conferences
Specialized conferences for particular subfields
How to find out about upcoming conferences
One excellent resource is the LINGUIST List [].
- Subscribe to their mailing list and receive e-mail messages about topics in the categories that you select, including “Calls for Papers” for conferences
- Read LINGUIST messages about calls for papers directly online
Another useful resource is the Cascadilla Proceedings Project, which gives free online access to the proceedings papers from several conferences.
General (theoretical) linguistics conferences
Major conferences, with wide participation
(+) indicates conferences where UNC students have presented papers or posters.
The conferences listed in this category have a published conference proceedings. If your abstract is accepted as a conference talk, your paper will also be included in the proceedings — so you end up with both a presentation and a publication. Proceedings papers are usually due several months after the conference takes place, and they often have a limit of about 12 pages.The conferences in this category tend to be pretty competitive, but they are also prestigious. This means that they are likely to attract a lot of good linguists in the audience (who can give you useful comments on your work), and they are particularly nice to have on your CV.
CLS | Chicago Linguistic Society (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Spring (April/May)
- Abstracts due: Winter — Jan 19, 2025
GLOW | Generative Linguistics in the Old World (info)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Fall/winter
LSA | Linguistic Society of America (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Early January
- Abstracts due: Summer
- Comments: Large audience; good exposure for job-seekers
NELS | North East Linguistics Society (info) (2024) (+)
- Conference happens: Fall (October/November)
- Abstracts due: Spring/summer
WCCFL | West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (2025) (+)
- Conference happens: Spring (March/April)
- Abstracts due: Fall/Winter
Smaller regional conferences
(+) indicates conferences where UNC students have presented papers or posters.
Some of the conferences listed in this category have a published conference proceedings.
ALC | Arizona Linguistics Circle (info) (2023)
- Conference happens: Fall/Winter
- Abstracts due: Summer/Fall
FLYM | Florida Linguistics Yearly Meeting (2024)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Winter
GURT| Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics (info)
- Conference happens: Winter/spring
- Abstracts due: Fall
ILLS | Illinois Language and Linguistics Society (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Fall/winter — Jan 31, 2025
- Comments: Student travel awards
LASSO | Linguistics Association of the Southwest (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Fall
- Abstracts due: Spring/summer
- Comments: Focus is on languages in the southwestern US and Mexico, and maybe on (new) empirical data rather than theoretical work
LCUGA | Linguistics Conference at U. Georgia (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Fall
- Abstracts due: Summer
NWLC | Northwest Linguistics Conference (2024) (+)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Winter
- Note: Student-focused conference
PLC | Penn Linguistics Conference (info) (2025) (+)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Fall/Winter
SECOL | Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Winter — Jan 6, 2025
- Comments: Student participation is encouraged; good chance to meet linguists from around the region
TLS | Texas Linguistics Society (info)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Fall
UALC | University of Alabama Languages Conference (info)
- Conference happens: Winter
- Abstracts due: Fall
WECOL | Western Conference on Linguistics (info)
- Conference happens: Fall/winter
- Abstracts due: Summer/fall
WIGL | Workshop in Generative Linguistics (U Wisc) (info)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Fall/winter — Jan 17, 2025
Specialized conferences for particular subfields
(+) indicates conferences where UNC students have presented papers or posters.
Many of the conferences listed in this category have a published conference proceedings, but in some cases only selected papers from the conference are included in the proceedings. Some of these conferences are extremely competitive.
Computational linguistics
NAACL | North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2025)
- Conference happens: Summer
- Abstracts due: Fall/winter
SCiL | Society for Computation in Linguistics (info)
- Conference happens: Early January or summer (with LSA)
- Abstracts due: (variable)
Forensic linguistics
International Conference on Forensic Linguistics (ICFL) (info)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Fall
Heritage-language and immigrant-language linguistics
Heritage Language Research Institute (info)
- Conference happens: Summer
- Abstracts due: Winter
International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages (2022)
- Conference happens: Summer, every 4 years
- Abstracts due: Fall/winter
Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA) (info)
- Conference happens: Fall
- Abstracts due: Summer
Historical linguistics / Indo-European linguistics
American Philological Association (info)
- Conference happens: Winter (January)
- Abstracts due: Late spring
- Comments: For papers on any aspect of Latin or Greek
American Oriental Society (info)
- Conference happens: Spring (March)
- Abstracts due: Fall (Oct/Nov)
- Comments: For historical papers on any language of Asia, from Ancient Near East to South Asia to East Asia; any theoretical approach is welcome, but paper should also be data-oriented
ICHL | International Conference on Historical Linguistics (2025)
- Conference happens: Summer, odd-numbered years
- Abstracts due: Fall
UCLA Indo-European Conference (info)
- Conference happens: Fall (November)
- Abstracts due: Summer
- Comments: Student papers encouraged; prize for best student paper
Language acquisition
BUCLD | Boston U. Conference on Language Development (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Fall (November)
- Abstracts due: Spring
CLS | Child Language Symposium (2025)
- Conference happens: Summer
- Abstracts due: Winter — Feb 28, 2025
GALA | Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (2025)
- Conference happens: Fall, every two years
- Abstracts due: Winter/spring — Feb 3, 2025
GALANA | Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition / North America (2021) (+)
- Conference happens: Summer/fall, every two years
- Abstracts due: Spring
IASCL | International Association for the Study of Child Language (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Summer, every 3 years (next is 2027)
- Abstracts due: Fall
ICPC | International Child Phonology Conference (info) (2025)
- Conference happens: Spring/summer
- Abstracts due: Fall/winter — Jan 10, 2025
AIMM | American International Morphology Meeting (2021)
- Conference happens: Summer (on hiatus?)
- Abstracts due: Spring
IMM | International Morphology Meeting (2024)
- Conference happens: Spring/Summer, every two years
- Abstracts due: Summer/Fall
AMP | Annual Meeting on Phonology (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Fall (September/October)
- Abstracts due: Spring
ASA | Acoustical Society of America (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Winter and summer
- Abstracts due: Summer and winter
- Comments: High acceptance rate (for posters); poster abstracts are published in JASA
ETAP | Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Prosody (2018)
- Conference happens: Spring (on hiatus?)
- Abstracts due: Fall
ICPhS | International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (info)
- Conference happens: Summer, every four years
- Abstracts due: Winter/Spring
LabPhon | Conference on Laboratory Phonology (info)
- Conference happens: Spring/summer, even-numbered years
- Abstracts due: Fall/winter
MFM | Manchester Phonology Meeting (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Spring (May), odd-numbered years
- Abstracts due: Fall/winter — Feb 10, 2025
NAPhC | North American Phonology Conference (2023) (+)
- Conference happens: Spring (May), every two years
- Abstracts due: Winter
OCP | Old World Conference in Phonology (2024) (+)
- Conference happens: Winter (January/February)
- Abstracts due: Fall
HSP | Conference on Human Sentence Processing (info)
- Conference happens: Spring (March)
- Abstracts due: Fall/Winter
Second language acquisition and pedagogy
GASLA | Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (2024)
- Conference happens: Spring (every two years?)
- Abstracts due: Fall
SLA Graduate Student Symposium (info)
- Conference happens: Spring (April)
- Abstracts due: Winter
SLRF | Second Language Research Forum (info) (+)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Fall
TALGS | TESOL/Applied Linguistics Graduate Students Conference (info)
- Conference happens: Spring (February) | in NC!
- Abstracts due: Fall
SALT | Semantics and Linguistic Theory (info)
- Conference happens: Spring
- Abstracts due: Fall/Winter
SULA | Semantics of Underrepresented Languages of the Americas (2024)
- Conference happens: Winter/Spring, every two years
- Abstracts due: Fall/Winter
Sociolinguistics and Pidgin/Creole Linguistics
NWAV | New Ways of Analyzing Variation (2024) (+)
- Conference happens: Fall
- Abstracts due: Spring
SALSA | Symposium About Language and Society in Austin (info)
- Conference happens: Winter/spring
- Abstracts due: Fall/winter
SPCL | Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (info)
- Conference happens: Winter (with LSA), summer
- Abstracts due: Summer, winter
Conferences on particular languages or language groups
This is a sampling. Be on the lookout for other conferences dedicated to the language(s) you work on.
- Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (info) (+)
African and Afroasiatic languages
- ACAL | Annual Conference on African Linguistics (info) (+) — abstracts Jan 10, 2025
- NACAL | N Atlantic Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics (on hiatus?)
- ASAL | Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics (info)
Asian and Pacific languages
- AFLA | Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (info) — abstracts Jan 10, 2025
- FAJL | Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics (on hiatus?)
- (F)ASAL | (Formal) Approaches to South Asian Languages (proceedings info) — abstracts Dec 31, 2024
- ICKL | International Circle of Korean Linguistics (2023)
- J/K | Japanese/Korean Linguistics (2024)
- NACCL | North American Conf. on Chinese Linguistics (info)
- SEALS | Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (2024)
- WAFL | Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics ((2024)
Celtic languages
- Celtic Linguistics Conference (on hiatus?)
- CSANA | Celtic Studies Association of North America (info)
Germanic languages
- CGSW | Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (2022)
- DGfS | German Linguistic Society (info)
- GLAC | Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (info) (+)
Indigenous languages of the Americas
- SAIL | Symposium on American Indian Languages (info)
- SNAIL | Symposium on Northwest American Indigenous Languages (info) — abstracts Jan 5, 2025
- SSILA| Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (info)
- SULA | Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas — see above under ‘Semantics’
- WSCLA | Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (2024)
- WAIL | Workshop on American Indigenous Languages (info) — abstracts Jan 15, 2025
Romance languages
- HLS | Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (2024)
- Going Romance — Symposium on Romance Linguistics (info)
- LSRL | Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (2024)
- SIUS | Spanish in the United States (info) (+)
- SLINKI | Spanish Linguistics in North Carolina (info) (2025) (+)
Slavic languages