Lab Groups
Lab Groups
One of the best ways to get involved in research is to join one of our research/lab groups. These groups are typically faculty-led meetings that are heavily geared towards student participation and research exposure. Each lab group is focused around a topic central to the faculty member’s research area, and students are encouraged to attend one or more groups according to their areas of interest. Students working on a thesis are especially encouraged to attend the lab group most closely related to their thesis topic, and to present their on-going thesis work there. Groups may meet weekly or less frequently.
Lab meetings may involve reading and discussing published articles, experimental design, interpretation of data, practice talks for upcoming conferences, and brainstorming about new projects. There are no prerequisites for joining, and all interested students are welcome regardless of experience or level.
- Acquisition Lab: Research on child language acquisition (contact: Misha Becker)
- K-Side: Research in the Karen, Burmese, language (contact: David Mora-Marín)
- M-side Research Group: research in Mayan languages and linguistics (contact: David Mora-Marín)
- P-side Research Group: Research in phonetics and phonology (contact: Elliott Moreton or Jennifer Smith)
- P’-Side: Research on P’urhepecha (Tarascan) (contact: David Mora-Marín)
- LD-side Research Group