Professor J. Michael Terry's Summer
This summer, Professor J. Michael Terry spent the bulk of June as a summer resident at the National Humanities Center. Located in Research Triangle Park in Durham NC, the core of the Center’s mission is to provide a space to stimulate intellectual community and the productive exchange of ideas within the humanities. As one of the of the 36 scholars from eighteen institutions awarded summer residency fellowships, he used his time there work on his current project concerning the role of dialectal difference in educational achievement.
After leaving the Center, Professor Terry headed to UC Davis to teach Introduction to Semantics at the Linguistic Society of American Summer Institute. Quoting from the Institute’s webpage "Since 1928, the Linguistic Institutes have not only been the premier gatherings of their kind, attracting top professionals and students from around the world and throughout the subfields. They are also defining moments for individual scholars, host institutions, and the field itself, fondly remembered decades later by the participants."